Thursday, February 13, 2003

2986.     By Del. Beach - Requiring that persons who operate or maintain steam boilers and equipment be tested and licensed by the commissioner of labor (FN) - To Judiciary then Finance

2987.     By Del. Beach, Pethtel, Houston, Shaver and Perry - Requiring the board of examiners for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to return exam results withing five days of completing the exam - To Government Organization

2988.     By Del. Beach, Pethtel, Houston, Shaver, Perry and Perdue - Requiring the board of examiners for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to return an applicant's permanent license to the applicant within a specified amount of time - To Government Organization

2989.     By Del. Beach, Pethtel, Houston, Perry, Shaver and Perdue - Requiring the board of examiners of registered nurses to establish a register of nurses licensed as registered nurses (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2990.     By Del. Butcher, Wright, Ferrell, Hrutkay and Staton - Eliminating landlord liability for tenant's delinquent utility accounts and updating the language concerning security deposits - To Political Subdivisions then Judiciary

2991.     By Del. Cann, Kominar, Amores, Stemple, Palumbo and Hrutkay - Relating to the fee charged by fiduciary commissioners in settling an estate - To Judiciary

2992.     By Del. Cann, Stalnaker, Renner, Palumbo, Houston and Leach - Applying funding generated from user fees charged by the criminal identification bureau to the operation of the criminal records section (FN) - To Judiciary then Finance

2993.     By Del. Caputo, Manchin, Martin, R. Thompson, Tucker, Kuhn and Perdue - Providing for the Public Employment Relations Act - To Judiciary then Finance

2994.     By Del. Craig (By Request) - Allowing a credit against the West Virginia personal income tax for volunteer work for nonprofit organizations (FN) - To Finance

2995.     By Del. Evans, Webb, Carmichael and Canterbury - Exempting antique motor vehicles, motorcycles, classic motor vehicles and motorcycles from registration fees (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2996.     By Del. Howard, Border and Hall - Providing when any body part of an unborn child is outside the mother's womb, the child is born, and is considered a citizen of the state - To Health and Human Resources then Judiciary

2997.     By Del. Mahan - Expanding the possible venues where a child neglect or abuse petition can be filed - To Judiciary

2998.     By Del. Manuel, Poling, Doyle and Tabb - Providing that motions made at meeting of county boards of education and county commissions need to be seconded - To Education then Judiciary

2999.     By Del. Spencer and Brown - Disallowing the retention of animal pickup fees by paid humane officers and allowing bounties only for dangerous animals - To Political Subdivisions then Judiciary

3000.     By Del. Spencer, Calvert, Palumbo, Amores and Walters - Requiring stricter controls, oversight and purchasing practices of the sheriff's concealed weapon fund - To Political Subdivisions then Judiciary

3001.     By Del. Susman, Poling, Yeager, Martin, Proudfoot, R. Thompson and Houston - Adding the state Americans with disabilities act coordinator as a member of the capitol building commission (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

3002.     By Del. Talbott (By Request) - Providing that persons may not be guilty of trespassing of hunting without permission merely because the person's dog pursues an animal onto another's private or leased land - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Judiciary

3003.     By Del. Talbott (By Request) - Exempting the retrieval of dog turned loose on Sunday from offense of hunting on Sunday - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Judiciary

3004.     By Del. Talbott (By Request) - Prohibiting a person not the owner of a dog from removing tags, collars or apparel from a dog when a dog is found on another person's property - To Judiciary

3005.     By Del. Walters and Webb - Increasing the state's share of gross profits from video lottery terminals (FN) - To Judiciary then Finance

3006.     By Del. H. White, R. M. Thompson and Carmichael - Allowing the use of photostatic copies of uncertified documents to establish the full performance of a preneed burial contract - To Judiciary

3007.     By Del. Wright, Kuhn and Butcher - Limiting the jurisdiction of the public service commission over public service districts with regard to rates and charges - To Judiciary

3008.     By Del. Yeager, Morgan and Stemple - Modifying and updating auctioneer licensing requirements, fees and continuing education - To Government Organization

3009.     By Mr. Speaker (Mr. Kiss), Del. Varner, Amores, Browning, Kominar, Palumbo and Swartzmiller - Excluding certain records from the freedom of information act that are collected in the interest of homeland security by governmental bodies - To Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security then Judiciary

3010.     By Mr. Speaker (Mr. Kiss), Del. Varner, Amores, Browning, Kominar, Palumbo and Swartzmiller - Exempting from the governmental meetings act discussions by a governmental body of certain activities relating to homeland security terrorist threats - To Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security then Judiciary